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York JHS Chapter of ResearchX

Volunteering Information for High Schoolers


In ResearchX, as we continue to get a chance to explore outreach programs, we have found the opportunity to volunteer in our community!

We now have another chapter of ResearchX established at York Junior High School! Here, we will be helping run the York chapter and aiding them in their passion projects. These events will be once a month, after school, at YJHS in Mrs. Crass' Rm. We will collaborate with the students there and help their president go through meetings!

If you would like to get volunteer hours for helping out, please bring your forms on the volunteering day to get any signatures (*can be used for college applications and other organizations).

York Chapter Information

Information regarding the chapter, their individual information, and their published passion projects will go here! Please reach out to YJHS President Bhavya Dande, their sponsor, or the ResearchX HS chapter with questions.

Throughout the course of a year, our York ResearchX students worked hard to produce their research projects to submit to our competition. This competition was designed to introduce the youth into academic writing and scientific research/publishing.

Meet our 2023-2024 winners!

ResearchX Youth Research Competition

Tyler Sao, Mia Knox, & Carter Laminack

Project Title: "Formation and Life Cycle of Stars"

Senkat Kumar

Project Title: "Learn about Genetic Cloning"

Milana Rivera

Project Title: "Autism"

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